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I am an expert in statistical inference, currently working as a CNRS Postdoctoral researcher in the AstroParticule et Cosmologie in Paris (France), part of the Virgo consortium. My current work focuses on statistical study of Gravitational Wave signals (multivariate time series) to study black hole mergers or supernovae bursts.

Since December 2023, I have a PhD in image processing. I led this PhD at the interface between two laboratories and one consortium:

  • the SIGMA team (part of CRIStAL) for the Signal Processing and Machine Learning part
  • the LERMA laboratory (from the Observatory of Paris) for the astrophysics side, with whom I study the Interstellar Medium and in particular the OrionB bar,
  • the ORION-B consortium, that gathers astrophysicists and statisticians.

Research interests

My main research interests are:

  • statistics,
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
  • inverse problems (with potentially multimodal posterior distributions),
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms,
  • uncertainty quantification,

and my research is mostly application-centered.